Nashville Shores
October 25th-27th, 2014
Resort Description
The all-new RV Resort at Nashville Shores is a family-friendly campers’ paradise packed with first-class amenities, fun activities for all ages and spectacular scenic views. Call (615) 889-7050 x234 to reserve today. The Lakeside Cabins and RV Resort will be open February 27, 2015 through November 29, 2015.
From February 27 – April 30, 2015, all RV sites are buy one night and get the second night half-off!!!
RV Sites
There are 84 RV sites, including beautiful waterfront accomodations available, private access to pristine, 14,000-acre Percy Priest lake, incredible fishing, lakeside cabins, boat ramps, a wooded 385-acre property, more than two miles of shoreline, children’s activities, and pontoon boat rentals.
RV sites range from $45 to $60 a night, and cabins range from $125 – $199 a night (taxes not included). See Resort Rates for more info.
Please call (615) 889-7050 x234 to make reservations. The RV Resort will be open February 27, 2015 through November 29, 2015. Click the links below to learn more.
June Bug Journey’s Review
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Contact Information
4001 Bell Road
Hermitage, TN 37076
(615) 889-7050 x234
- Bathrooms 85%
- Dumping Station 100%
- Wifi 100%
- Activities 100%
- Cleanliness 99%
Nashville Shores
Contact Information
4001 Bell Road
Hermitage, TN 37076
(615) 889-7050 x234