Bob accidentally left our June Bug awning fully extended during a heavy rain at home, so one aluminum support snapped from the weight of the water. Consequently we came to the Airstream factory for a repair.
In order to consolidate our trips, we also dropped the Steely Van at Arbogast RV, where we bought it a few years ago, for routine service. We decided at the last minute to make a little camping trip out of it, so we reserved a spot at Indian Lake State Park.
We are in campsite D-53. Not ideal…Bob and I have learned we really appreciate our privacy and some kind of a view. Unfortunately the three best sites (48, 49, and 50) were already booked. The park has experienced a lot of heavy rain recently, so we are dodging puddles and deep mud, but we’re making it work.
Our site must have been a Canada goose gathering spot, because we are also dodging a LOT of goose poop. Of course Vera rolled in it before we could get it cleaned up. We have gone through quite a few doggie bags cleaning up our site, so it’s much better now. On our evening walk with Opie and Vera we saw hundreds of geese in the park. I am NOT a fan!