Aug 3, 2016 | August, Illinois, July, Lynne |
Our sister Lynne went on another big camping adventure, this time to the Henderson County Fair in Stronghurst, Illinois, our hometown. We hitched up the June Bug and headed west, with Lynne riding in my sister Susan’s Jeep. Our camp set-up was arranged in my childhood...
Jun 29, 2016 | Camping, Illinois, June, Lynne |
Our latest camping trip was a special journey just for our sister Lynne. She is mentally handicapped and has some physical challenges as well, so the five nights we spent in the June Bug was just about the maximum we could handle. She’s a real trooper, though, and had...
Mar 19, 2016 | Camping, Illinois, Missouri, Oklahoma, Vera |
We will be driving for a few days to get deep in the heart of Texas. We plan to park the June Bug in a couple of family member/friends’ driveways rather than spend time in campgrounds along the way. And we have miles to go before we sleep! I made a playlist of...
Jul 29, 2014 | Camping, Illinois, July |
After waking up to the smell of bacon frying and coffee perking, we enjoyed a fantastic outdoor breakfast. That’s almost the best thing about this camping thing! In the afternoon we braved the high humidity and strolled through “downtown” Pontiac. We took in a couple...
Jul 29, 2014 | Camping, Illinois, July |
We hit the road after only two days back at home in our own comfy bed. This Airstreaming thing has really grabbed ahold of us! We drove only about 3 1/2 hours west to Pontiac, Illinois, and we’re camping in a 4H Park across from a livestock area. We’re here visiting...
Jul 16, 2014 | Camping, Family, Illinois, Iowa, July |
The preparations have begun for our week-long adventure with big sister Lynne. Because she is disabled, we’ve made special considerations for her comfort and enjoyment! The first step — giving the June Bug her first detailed bath. Frank came over from next door to...