Ft. Wilderness evidently allows folks to wash their rigs. We’ve seen it. We’re going with that. And that’s just what we did. We had to improvise…kitchen wastebasket as a bucket, tiny little (free) sponge from the Ft. Wilderness cabins (Thanks Susan!), Palmolive dish soap, and a dishtowel Bob spent a fortune on at the gift shop. He did NOT have my permission to buy a brand new dishtowel for washing the Airstream, but it happened. haha
For the grease and tar spots, we use an amazing product called STA’-PUT S203. Just spray it on, wait a second, and wash it right off. The poor Airstream was just covered in gooey dead bugs and tar spots, but our hard work left it sparkling clean.
We used one of Bob’s bath towels as a chamois, and it was just perfect. (My idea, of course!)

While we were at it, we thoroughly cleaned out and rearranged the tow vehicle!
After we finished, we sat around for a while recovering and admiring our handiwork. It’s Sunday, after all, and we’re entitled to a little bit of rest on vacation!

One of the many wild turkeys came by to say hello
What are you pulling you’re airstream with? Also what kind of mpg?
Couple of suggestions: Alafia River State park (east of Tampa): wonderful campground and Beautiful large spring where my family went when I was a kid many moons ago. The real Florida country.
And Myakka River State park down Sarasota way. Marie Selby Gardens in nearby Sarasota worth the time to visit, with a huge orchid and bromeliad collection.
The Gamble Mansion State Park in nearby Bradenton is very interesting. The only antebellum plantation home in South Florida has been preserved as it was in the mid-1800s.
The I hope you get to experience some of the REAL non-tourista Florida. Be sure to get some smoked mullet while you are in the area. All you need is a box of saltines to have a feast equal to none. yum! Wish I could join you for this.
Hi Bob and Becky, Any reason why Bob is wearing one sandal and one shoe while leaning against the golf cart? Hope you are having a great time.