Glacier National Park

Glacier National Park

Whenever I have a quiet moment on this trip, I’ve been reading John Steinbeck’s Travels With Charley, about his journey across and through the United States, camping with his dog, Charley. Steinbeck said it better than I ever could: “The next passage in my journey is...
Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone was not a primary destination for this trip, but we’re glad we took the time to make a drive through. I’m sure if we had stayed for several days and camped nearby, we would have had an even better time. As it was, we drove slowly through the park and...
Canyons and Towers

Canyons and Towers

Spearfish Canyon When we began planning this long trip to the northwest, Bob and I listed places we “wanted” to see, some we “hoped” to see, and a few that we felt were “must” see locations. Spearfish Canyon was not on any of those lists, because neither of us knew it...
Jackson Center Check-Up

Jackson Center Check-Up

Bob and Becky are preparing for their upcoming Wild West adventure, so they took the June Bug to Jackson Center, Ohio and the Airstream service center. For the podcast, they enjoyed a conversation with Bryan Melton, General Manager of Travel Trailers, and Tim Maxwell,...

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