Aug 20, 2014 | August, Camping, Ohio |
There are almost not sufficient words to describe what a great time we had. Tim Maxwell treated us to a private tour and we were allowed to take as many photos as we liked. Bob tried his hand at riveting (major fail), after which the kind fella who knew how to really...
Aug 20, 2014 | August, Camping, Ohio |
This morning we drove to Jackson Center, Ohio, to visit the Airstream factory and offices. There are almost not sufficient words to describe what a great time we had. Tim Maxwell treated us to a private tour and we were allowed to take as many photos as we liked. Bob...
Aug 19, 2014 | August, Camping, Ohio |
What a terrific night’s sleep! It was quite a surprise to wake up naturally, with nobody whining and barking ready to go out (I’m talking to YOU, Bob!). Vera simply quietly stirred in her portable kennel and let us know she was awake. What a big sweetie! Vera was...
Aug 18, 2014 | August, Camping, Ohio |
We began the day by tricking our little dachshunds Opie and Betty into their kennels, saying goodbye, and loading Vera and all her necessary gear into the car for a big ride! It’s time to take a trip to see the Airstream factory in Jackson Center, Ohio. Along the way,...