Feb 11, 2015 | Camping, February, Florida, RV Park |
Big day at EPCOT. We walked through the park for Drink Around The World (DATW) with Susan and Frank. Because they had never been to EPCOT, we enjoyed seeing the place through their eyes. Everything was beautiful, with flowers blooming and sunny skies! Lucky us. In the...
Feb 10, 2015 | Camping, February, Florida, RV Park |
Bob drove Vera to doggie camp so she could have a couple of days of play time and we can have a little more flexibility for visits to the theme parks. While he was out, I took the opportunity to tidy the joint up a bit. I’ve learned that we really have to keep ahead...
Feb 8, 2015 | Camping, February, Florida, RV Park, Vera |
We got up extra early to tear down, load up and hitch ourselves to the tow vehicle!! There was just enough time to take one last walk along the boardwalk to see the sunrise over the marshland. We were sad to leave the wilderness, but we’re on our way to Disney’s...